The Canadian University Shooting Federation (CUSF) was started as a non-profit in 2018 with the idea of creating a league that promotes competitive shooting sports between Canadian Universities and Colleges. I had revived the Trap and Skeet Club at Carleton University in my last year of school and loved going out every weekend to blast clays with my newfound teammates.
After having this amazing experience with the club, I knew that I wanted to give back and help other schools develop their own competitive shooting programs. I envisioned a league where every post secondary institution in Canada could field a team and compete against each other in a variety of disciplines. After contacting a variety of organizations, I pulled together a couple passionate shooters and started the CUSF.
Our organization has grown immensely since then, with a ton of interest from schools across Canada. We are helping these new teams get started, enabling existing clubs to grow and prosper, and managing the Canadian University Trap and Skeet League. With a Smallbore Postal Program also running across the country, 2020 is an exciting year for the future of sport shooting!
Dave Fahlman, President