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Project Mapleseed

The Canadian University Shooting Federation (CUSF) has partnered with Project Mapleseed to offer Rifle Marksmanship clinics to our students in 2020. Clinics will be held in October in Ontario and Alberta. Stay tuned for a possible date in Vancouver.

How to sign up

Events are currently scheduled in Ottawa, Calgary and London. To sign up you need a CUSF membership that can be purchased Here. Once that is complete, click on the link below in your nearest city. Space is limited, so don’t wait! COVID-19 restrictions will be in place.


What is Project Mapleseed?

Project Mapleseed is an apolitical rifle marksmanship training program that focuses on teaching traditional rifle marksmanship from standing, sitting/kneeling, and prone positions in a one day shooting clinic termed a “Mapleseed”. We are a non-profit, all volunteer run organization committed to helping Canadians develop fundamental marksmanship skills and in the safe handling of firearms. Project Mapleseed is open to shooters of all ages.

For more information see and their YouTube channel.

Equipment needed:

Mapleseeds are typically shot outdoors in all weather conditions so plan accordingly. You will need your own rifle, 400 rounds of ammunition and a teachable attitude. Here is a video that shows what to bring.

The main items to bring would be:

1) A proven, reliable rifle – preferably sighted in and one that the shooter is familiar with. The minimum you need is a .22 rifle. Mapleseed is open to all calibers and sight types including scopes. The .22LR semi-automatic, magazine-fed rifles are the most commonly seen for their ease of use during the mandatory magazine changes and low ammo cost. Bring what you have, the shooting fundamentals taught apply to the shooter not their rifle. The goal is to learn and have fun.

2) 2 – 10 round magazines (4 is better in case we run fast qualification sessions) or equivalent loading devices. Some tube-fed magazine shooters have made quick load tubes from arrow shafts to speed up reloads.

3) Eye and Ear protection – there may be centerfire rifles on the range alongside you so ensure you have good ear protection.

4) A shooting mat, carpet, heavy blanket, tarp or ground cover. You will be spending a significant portion of the time on the ground – choose wisely. Some padding is always welcome.

5) A sling – Mapleseed incorporates a sling as part of instruction and a stability aid. A sling with a detachable rear connector and adjustable length is highly recommended. The most commonly seen sling is the US M14/M1 Garand sling adapted with detachable swivels.

6) Ammunition – Approximately 400 rounds of ammunition may be required to complete the day depending on the number of Qualification sessions performed.

The rest is up to you and your comfort/convenience needs and weather dependent. This includes pen, paper, black markers, chairs, lunch, snacks and drinks.
One thing to note and dress for is the significant amount of hot brass casings traveling from your shooting partner to your comfy and stationary shooting location. Brimmed hats, long sleeve shirts and multiple layers of clothing go a long way to preventing contact burns from hot brass “Mapleseed Tattoos” and the exciting and unplanned dance that goes with it as you try to remove the offending casing.

What to expect at the Mapleseed

A Mapleseed event is designed to provide structured and safe rifle fundamentals to hunters and shooters of all ages and provides a solid framework of basic rifleman skills that benefits new and experienced shooters alike. For the new shooter we can teach you to use your rifle safely and also be able to hit your target. For the seasoned shooter we can teach you to shoot more accurately – even out to 500 yards.

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